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How To Make Moroccan Mint Tea

Tea is one of the most primordial beverages that has run down through culture and societies around the world and has taken place in the heart of mankind due to its different flavors. If we talk about Japanese people, they have matcha, similarly British have earl grey and the Moroccans enjoy their mint tea. Tea is served at any time of the day. People like to have this sweet, refreshing beverage during the course of the day.

A symbol of North African culture, Moroccan tea is just the right blend of flavors which not only gives a sense of freshness but also represents the culture of hospitality and sharing of Morocco people. The presentation of Moroccan tea is very different and unique from other tea available. It is served in painted silver kettles and cylindrical tea glasses.

Morocco tea consists of simple ingredients like fresh mint leaves, water and sugar. You can brew it at your home but Moroccan says that it does not taste as good as it does in Moroccan soil.

How to make Moroccan mint tea

Moroccan tea is prepared by two different methods; one is very simple and practical while other is more traditional in Moroccan society. By following both techniques you get delicious mint tea. If you can stick to traditional techniques and have enough time you will be able to brew the best quality of mint tea.

Recipe of morocco mint tea is outlined below

Step no 1. Boiling of water and tea leaves

For preparing a homemade Moroccan mint tea, take two teaspoons of tea leaf with 500ml of boiling water. Allow it steep for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Step no. 2 Filter Tea

After 15 minutes of steeping of tea leaves, filter the mixture in a pot made up of stainless steel without stirring, and make sure maximum removal of leaves and crude powder.

Step no 3. Sweetening

Add one teaspoon of sugar per 100ml to bring the desired taste. If you are adding granular sugar, you will have to reheat the mixture for a while to let the sugar dissolve properly. If you are in a hurry, you can add any simple sugar syrup which is already present in liquid form.

Step no 4. Add mint and serve

Add some fresh mint leaves and allow to heat for a couple of minutes. Serve the tea in traditionally used Moroccan teacups. There are some people who prefer mint tea when it is cold. For such people let the hot brewing filtered mixture to cool at room temperature before adding ice to it. Lemon juice can also be added to bring sharp flavor in it.

The traditional way of preparing Moroccan mint tea is a bit complex and time taking but we will share with you to know how it has been done over the centuries.

  1. Select a Moroccan teapot and put the tea with a small amount of boiling water in it.
  2. Let the tea to impart its flavor in it for just 30 seconds.
  3. Take this liquid in another pot without stirring and keep it aside. This liquid is called a spirit of the tea and added back later for fuller flavor.
  4. Add some more hot boiling water to a Moroccan kettle and let it sit for 60 seconds and stir around to rinse the leaves.
  5. Fill the Moroccan tea kettle with remaining boiling water from the pot.
  6. Put it to a burner and heat. Then add spirit liquid back in the Moroccan tea kettle. As the water starts to boil, add mint leaves as per liking.
  7. Then add 7 tablespoons of sugar to bring the taste. Increase the heat of the stove and the Moroccan mint tea is ready.
  8. For serving you need to hold the kettle high above the glassed to aerate the tea.
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